Down River(Feature Film Screenplay)Synopsis Roxy, an enslaved black woman, who's toils to find a path leading to freedom in Pre-Civil War Missouri, will require of her a...
Table Fifteen (Feature Film Screenplay)Synopsis It’s 2019 in Tokyo’s Shibuya, and Yoko Yamaguchi, centenarian, must right a long-standing wrong: her grandson, now middle-aged...
Sunbird (Feature Film Screenplay)Synopsis Englishman Lawrence Rob (60), alias Sunbird, is now retired from thirty-five years of fighting for his own child-rescue...
Marigold Kid (Feature Film Screenplay)Synopsis When Kenny gets a call that his younger estranged brother, Harley, is in the hospital after four years of not hearing from him,...
The Warden's List (Feature Film Screenplay)Synopsis Brian is a trained mercenary and a dedicated, but troubled ex-cop whose legal issues lead him to a crooked prison security team....
Color Blind (Feature Film Screenplay)Synopsis After some violent racial profiled incidents with police, a counselor enters an interracial relationship and become a cop where...
Boomers (Feature Film Screenplay)Synopsis: Boomers is a dramedy about a baby boomer unable to let go of his past, decides to navigate his mid-life crisis by going back to...
Beasts Of War (Feature Film Screenplay)Synopsis: A group of cats grows increasingly tired of the oppressive and apathetic species ruling their planet. Willing to prevent...
Box of Hope (Feature Film Screenplay)what would you do if you hated what is going on to protect a person who you are supposed to hate
Flame (Feature Film Screenplay)Synopsis: A sexually trafficked teen gets tangled up with a degenerate drug addict in her quest for freedom from her captors. Our Review:...
Sweat (Feature Film Screenplay)Synopsis: When an Army ranger is forced to pass an unconventional sobriety program or face a dishonorable discharge, she stumbles upon a...
Face Painters (Screenplay)Logline: When dementia overwhelms a guilt-ridden funeral director, his son, an illiterate casket builder, has no choice but to bring in...