Sneakerhead (Short Film Screenplay)Synopsis When she was a little girl, Meredith Jones had a monster under her bed. She returns home as an adult, and finds the monster's...
A Normal Life (Short Film Screenplay)Synopsis A young girl lives in an old apartment with a strange roommate in the city. One morning, she needs to leave her apartment for an...
Coulrophobia Hurts (Short Film Screenplay)Synopsis Coulrophobia Hurts is a comedic horror that follows the bloody path paved by MacFool, a stylish bitter clown and his sidekick...
Caiaphas (Short Film Screenplay)Synopsis The High Priest of Jerusalem performs a test on a young man who claims to be the Messiah. Writer Biography - Thomas McCone,...
You can bump her again (Short Film Screenplay)Synopsis: Brandi's father wants to kill her lover when he learns that she became pregnant. But when he discovers the guy is extremely...