Gregor is an introverted young student with a painful past. After the death of his father, which occurred in childhood, he stopped devoting himself to his great passion for painting, which his father did not approve of. Thanks to the intervention of his sister, Gregor finds a Polaroid taken by his father before he died, where a portrait of his father made when he was a child is immortalized. The discovery of the photo leads Gregor towards a progressive rebirth and a rediscovery of his talent that has been forgotten for too many years.
Our Review
This amazing film by Greta Di Raimondo brings all-new insight to one of the most important emotional connections, the father and son relationship. Father and son have a unique bond unlike any other, and that bond can often come under strain. Gregor has had a emotionally tumultuous journey and in the meanwhile he discovers both himself and his connection with his father. Metamorphis is a slow paced film, unhurried, embracing silence, reaction, and gesture.
Director Statement
Franz Kafka's Gregor Samsa is an alienated character blocked into his metamorphosis which is the main cause of his anger, pain and suffer. His dark transformation suites well with the characters around him and their negative influence. Samsa's metamorphosis inspired my Gregor's journey towards his personal transformation and awareness of his story, talent and deep pain.
Greta Di Raimondo Director
Greta Di Raimondo Writer
Emanuele Dileone Writer
Mare Crisium Producer
Luca Zantomio Key Cast
Elisabetta Dileone Key Cast
Davide Beccari Key Cast
Project Title (Original Language): Metamorfosi
Project Type: Experimental, Short
Genres: Drama, Experimental
Completion Date: April 10, 2022
Country of Origin: Italy
Language: Italian
Shooting Format: Digital
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Film Color: Color
First-time Filmmaker: Yes
Student Project: No
