Synopsis: When a stranger offers a homeless girl and boy a thousand dollars to plant bombs in a forest, they decide to foil his plan and toss them in a lake. But when ulterior motives come to light, one is double-crossed twice.
Our Review:
The life of the homeless kids is most of the time strange and sad. Their world is so different from what we can even imagine. The ways the society at times exploits them is also heart wrenching. The cold blood murder by a small kid is indigestible yet their world is so messed up and they are helpless. What sets apart is the cool nature of the girl and her attitude to stay content with what ever she is and has. Unlike the other characters, she is neither wicked nor greedy. As the title goes there was no rest to the two wicked. It is a well written script but could have had much more depth in the characters.
Writer Biography - Samson Sorluangsana
Samson Sorluangsana is a filmmaker based in Fort Smith, AR. He attended the University of Arkansas-Fort Smith (UAFS) to pursue Theatre, specializing in Directing/Acting. He has written an original One-Act Play titled, "The Tragical Ascension of Lulu, the Flower-Child," published in the 30th issue of UAFS's Applause literary magazine.
Project Type: Screenplay, Short Script
Number of Pages: 12
Language: English
First-time Screenwriter: Yes
Student Project: No
