In today's society, we seem to be forgetting what matters and what doesn't. In this first part, we see through one of our protagonists' eyes, Sofia, what her priorities are and the consequences that follow her choices. Based on true events.
Our Review:
It pains my heart to read this script knowing that it’s based on true events. Social media addiction is no less that any drugs. Every single notification gives such sharp triggers that makes one to forget the world around. But here this affects not only the self but it poses such danger to others. My heart feels bad for little Jackson. This script deserves to be made into a film and to be widely screened and shared to create awareness. It is a well written script with so much depth. When you read it and realize where the story was going, you would hope things should not happen as anticpated. It hooks you in as soon as you start reading it. Kudos to the writer.
Writer— Karina Sorelli Writer Statement First time writer. Passionate about this craft. Hoping to take people on a journey through my work.
Project Type: Short Script
Number of Pages: 13
Country of Origin: Australia
Language: English
First-time Screenwriter: Yes
Student Project: No