Hanne and Carsten are desperately trying to keep up with the illusion of a happy family life to their nosy neighbors. They used be just like everyone else in suburbia, but the financial crises hit the family hard. To be able to pay the endless stream of bills, they have sold everything they owned. But how do you keep up with the illusion of a happy life in times of crisis. Financial crisis.
Director Biography - Janik Dahl Pedersen
Jannik Dahl Pedersen is a danish short film director. He is currently in his third year at the danish alternative film school 18FRAMES. He is also studying Filmscience at the University of Copenhagen. Working on his extensive filmografi it has always been the comedy that has attracted Jannik, and he has both sketches and more creative satires on his resume. To Jannik, comedy isn’t about a certain amount of laughs per minute. But more about happiness, surprice and catharsis, which ultimately can be a part of any kind of story.
Janik Dahl Pedersen Director
Mie Skjoldemose Jakobsen Writer
Annette Averhoff Producer
Iben Dorner Key Cast
Thomas Magnussen Key Cast
Maria Stokholm Key Cast
Loui Ladegaard DOP
Simon Reinke Oxholm Sound
Sebastian Gerdes Editing
Project Title (Original Language): Trekanter af Lykke
Project Type: Short
Runtime: 13 minutes 50 seconds
Completion Date: March 28, 2014
Country of Origin: Denmark
Country of Filming: Denmark
Language: Danish
Shooting Format: Digital
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Film Color: Color
First-time Filmmaker: No
Student Project: Yes
La Semaine du court-métrage de Rueil-Malmaison 2014 France Main Jury Prize
Flenburger Kurzfilm Tage 2014 Germany Audience Award
Bornshorts Film Festival 2014 Denmark Best Student Film
Overlook 2014 Italy Best Female Performance
8th Lviv International Short Film Festival Wiz-Art 2014 Ukraine
27th Helsinki International Film Festival 2014 Finland
Okseø Film Festival 2014 Denmark
Aarhus Independent Pixels Denmark
No Gloss Film Festival 2014 UK
OFFline Film Festival 2014 Ireland
19e festival international du court-métrage de Dijon - Fenétres sur Courts 2014 France
Nordische Filmtage Lübeck 2014 Germany
Odense International Film Festival 2014 Denmark
CPH:PIX 2014 Denmark
Sandfly Film Festival 2014 Australia
The Sixth edition of the Jouy-en-Josas international short-film festival France
Cannes Underground Film Festival 2015 France
Festival International du Film D’Aubagne 2015 France
Festival Internacional de Cine de Iquique Chile
