Synopsis: Two young men barricaded at home, find an old camera. Through this they tell the people of the future, the human beings of the past.
Writer Biography - Lorenzo Trane
Lorenzo Trane was born in Rome in 1995. He studied Acting from an early age, and then trained as an actor at the "Action Theater" (2014-2015). He began studying filmmaking at the "Romeur academy" (2016) to specialize in Directing and Screenwriting the following years by attending "Massimiliano Bruno's scenic arts Lab"(2017) and the "Renoir Cinema Academy" (2018). He works as a production / director assistant for various films, short films, pilot episodes and video clips. He has three short films as director: Scrape (2016), Il natale di Greta (2018) and Un centesimo (2019), the latter being present on the Prime video platform (UK and USA). In the 46th edition of the Day of Europe at the Capitol he won the award as an emerging director. He is also the winner of the "I'll be right back 2019" call, which leads him to study at EICTV, a film school in Cuba; described by many as the best film school in all of Latin America. In the year 2020/21 he writes and directs several video clips. He is currently involved in the post-production of the short film Ron, written by Massimiliano Bruno and produced by the scenic arts Lab.
Lorenzo Trane nasce a Roma nel 1995. Studia Recitazione sin da piccolo, per poi formarsi come Attore presso Teatro Azione (2014-2015) . Si affaccia al filmmaking presso la Romeur academy (2016) per specializzarsi in Regia e Sceneggiatura gli anni seguenti frequentando il laboratorio di Arti sceniche di Massimiliano Bruno (2017) e l’accademia del Cinema Renoir (2018). Lavora come Ass. produzione/regia per vari film, cortometraggi, puntate pilota e videoclip. Ha all’attivo come regista tre cortometraggi: Scarpe (2016), Il natale di Greta (2018) e Un centesimo (2019), quest’ultimo è presente sulla piattaforma Prime video (UK e USA). Nella 46’ edizione della Giornata d’Europa presso il campidoglio vince il premio come regista emergente. E’ anche vincitore del bando “Torno subito 2019”, che lo porta a studiare presso l’EICTV, scuola di cinema a Cuba; descritta da molti come miglior scuola di cinema dell’intera America Latina. Nell’ anno 2020/21 scrive e dirige diversi videoclip. Attualmente è impegnato nella post-produzione del cortometraggio Ron, scritto da Massimiliano Bruno e prodotto dal Laboratorio d’arti sceniche.
Project Title (Original Language): Testimonianze
Project Type: Short Script
Genres: Drama
Number of Pages: 15
Country of Origin: Italy
Language: Italian
First-time Screenwriter: No
Student Project: No
